Surabaya, 5-8 February 2018
Widya Karya Catholic University (UKWK) had the opportunity to participate at Indonesia Dean’s Course for Private Higher Education in Indonesia (INADC-PHEI) workshop held from 5 to 8 February, 2018, at Gubeng Santika Premiere Hotel, hosted by Surabaya University.
The workshop was really an insight and knowledge opener. It was a great opportunity to learn from the facilitators and fellow participants from 24 private universities from all over Indonesia, of various forms, quality and experience. The workshop committee had selected 25 private universities from about 50 applicants.
Selected prospective participants had to send proposals in English because the texts would be reviewed by German: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst or German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The program was a collaboration between the Ministry of Research and Higher Education and Germany. All participants were subsidized by DAAD, excluding transportation fee from their home base to the workshop location.
The workshop was divided into two stages: the first (part 1) was held on 5-8 February, 2018; the second (part 2) would be held on 21-23 May, 2018, hosted by Pembangunan Jaya University in Bintaro, Banten Province.
The workshop had a very busy schedule, from 8 A.M. until 5 P.M. without the customary afternoon nap. The materials provided included: Higher Education System (HES), Human Resource Management (HRM), Financial Management (FM), Research Management (RM), and Project Management (PM).
The facilitators were all experienced professionals: Dr. Mrs. Illah Sailah, M.S. (Coordinator of the Cooperative of Private Higher Education Institutions, Area III), Ms. Leenawaty Limantara, M.Sc., Pd.D. (Rector of Pembangunan Jaya University of Bintaro), Mr. Tatas H. P. Brotosudarmo, Dipl.Chem., Ph.D. (Director of the Center for Higher Education Outstanding Science and Technology and Ma Chung Research Center for Photosynthetic Pigments), and Mr. Nemuel Daniel Pah, Ph.D. (Vice Rector I of Surabaya University).
The workshop’s dynamics were so interesting and varied not a single participant became bored or drowsy. After the smashing boundaries segment, all participants and facilitators socialized as if they had known each other for years. This friendly atmosphere lasted until the very end. Even to the time of the writing of this article, the Whatsapp group is still active and genial.
The workshop method: presentations by the facilitators (15-20 minutes long) in the form of explanation and games, short group discussions (10-15 minutes), group presentation (5 minutes for each group), responses by facilitators and other participants, and peer-counseling for concrete cases submitted by each participant in each group. On Monday, 5 February, participants were given the opportunity to observe Surabaya University to assess the various facilities, processes, services, and activities within the campus ground.
As one of the participants of the workshop, the rector of UKWK has made a PAP on Human Resource Management which would be presented to UKWK lecturers and educational staff to be implemented. If this is achievable, it is expected that there would be changes in UKWK toward better conditions and performance quality.
Therefore, all lecturers and educational staff are expected to study the PAP carefully and give their entire support and participation to make it successful.
Salam Scientia ad Laborem
Malang, 8 Februari 2018
Albertus Magnus Herwanta, O.Carm., M.A.