Description of the Courses at the Diploma Program of Secretarial Studies

Mata kuliah pengembangan pribadi = Personality Development Courses (PDC)


This course aims to aid the formation of students with faith and piety in God, virtues, and nobility in character, who are capable of philosophical thinking and rational and dynamic attitude, who are broad-minded, respectful of human rights, and willing to participate in inter-religious cooperation to develop and utilize science, technology and art for the good of mankind and their country.

Banawiratma, JB., SJ. Gereja dan Masyarakat [Church and Society]. 1991. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Dahler, Frans. Masalah Agama [Religious Issues]. 1990. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Groenen, D., Ofm. Peristiwa Yesus [Jesus Event]. 1979. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Ismartono, I,. SJ. Kuliah Agama Katolik di Perguruan Tinggi [Catholic Religion Course at Colleges and Universities]. 1993. Jakarta: Obor.


Pancasila and Civic Education

Pancasila and Civic Education course discusses the aspects of Pancasila as the paradigm of the communal, national, and state living, so as to broaden the students’ horizons of thinking in actualizing the values of Pancasila, and to discuss the relationship between citizenship and the state in order to help students become reliable citizens to their nation and state.

Lemhanas [National Defense Agency]. Buku Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan [Civic Education Textbook]. 2000.

Notonagoro. Pembukaan UUD 1945 (pokok kaidah fundamental Negara Indonesia) [Preamble of the 1945 Constitution (The Fundamental Principle of the State of Indonesia)]. 1959. Yogyakarta: UGM.

—–. Pancasila Dasar Falsafah Negara [Pancasila as the Philosophical Foundation of the State]. 1974. Jakarta: Pantjuran Tudjuh.

—–. Beberapa Hal Mengenai Falsafah Pancasila [A Few Things on the Philosophy of Pancasila]. 1980. Jakarta: Pantjuran Tudjuh.

UUD 1945 dengan amandemen [The 1945 Constitution, with Amendments].

UU No. 20 Tahun 1982 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Pertahanan Keamanan Negara RI [Law No. 20 of 1982 on The Basic Provisions of the State Security Defense of the Republic of Indonesia].

UU No. 2 Tahun 1989 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional [Law No. 2 of 1989 on National Education System].


Bahasa Indonesia

This course help students to develop positivity, loyalty and pride in Bahasa Indonesia as the unifying language and the state language, and to be capable to use good and correct Bahasa in various formal situations, particularly in scientific writing.

Indradi, Agustinus. Cermat Berbahasa Indonesia [Precision in Bahasa Indonesia]. 2003. Malang: Dioma


Mata kuliah keilmuan dan keterampilan = Technical and Skill Courses (TSC)

Business Basics

Business Basics course discusses four sections comprising two specialized units which deal with the elements of concern in firm management and two general units which provide a general description of the business world and its challenges. The specialized units include: the role and function of management, firm organization, activities management, production of goods and services, human resources management, the role of marketing and the forms of its activities, firm activities management, computer technology and information system management, money, business activities financing and the role of finance system, ethical considerations and social responsibilities in firm management. The general units include: patterns of business activities, the forms and developments of business entities, environments that influence business activities.

Buku wajib = Mandatory textbook

Sumarni Murti. Pengantar Bisnis [Introduction to Business]. 1993. Yogyakarta: Liberty.

Buku penunjang = Supplementary textbooks

Agus Ahyari. Manajemen Produksi: Perencanaan Sistem Produksi [Production Management: Production System Planning]. Yogyakarta: BPFE

Effendy, Rustam, 2000, Pengantar bisnis Modern [Introduction to Modern Business]. Malang Jurusan Manajeme FE. Unibraw.

Swasta Basu.1998, Pengantar Bisnis Modern [Introduction to Modern Business]. Yogyakarta: Liberty Offset.

Suprijanto, John, 2003, Pengantar Bisnis [Introduction to Business]. Yogyakarta, Andi Offset.

Sukirno, Sadono, et al, 2006, PengantarBisnis [Introduction to Business]. Jakaarta, predana Media Group.

Winardi. Kapita Selekta Ekonomi Perusahaan [Capita Selecta of Company Economics]. Bandung: Nova.


Indonesian Business Correspondence I

Correspondence is commonly regarded as the main task of a secretary. The skill of writing good and correct letters is therefore a mandatory requirement for a future secretary. Generally, correspondence is classified into two categories based on its function: formal letters and commercial letters. As the real-life needs demand not only commercial letters, this course offers basic concepts of both commercial and formal letters, i.e. the business letters. Indonesian Business Correspondence I course teaches theories of good letter writing and how to apply them in the writing of good and correct business letters.

Indradi, Agustinus. Korespondensi Bahasa Indonesia [Indonesian Correspondence]. Malang: Unika Widya Karya.

Arifin, E. Zaenal. 1990. Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia dalam surat dinas [The Use of Bahasa Indonesia in Formal Letters]. Jakarta: Mediyatama Sarana.

Bratawijaya, T. W. Korespondensi Niaga Bahasa Indonesia [Indonesian Business Correspondence]. Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita.

Finoza, Lamuddin. 2001. Aneka Surat Sekretaris dan Surat Bisnis [An Assortment of Secretarial and Business Letters]. Jakarta: Usaha Mulia.

Panji, Suhada.1993. Dasar-Dasar Korespondensi Niaga Bahasa Indonesia [The Fundamentals of Indonesian Business Correpondence]. Jakarta: Karaya Utama.

Sudaryono. Surat-menyurat dalam Bahasa Indonesia [Letter Writing in Bahasa Indonesia]. Bandung: Alumni.


Indonesian Business Correspondence II

This course is the continuation of the implementation of the mastery and understanding of the basic concepts of correspondence and it aims to form students’ capability in writing various good and correct business letters.

Pandji, Suhanda. Dasar-dasar Korespondensi Niaga Bahasa Indonesia [The Fundamentals of Indonesian Business Correspondence]. 1986. Jakarta: Karya Utama.

Bratawijaya, T. W. Korespondensi Niaga Bahasa Indonesia [Indonesian Business Correspondence]. Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita.

Finoza, Lamuddin. Aneka Surat Sekretaris dan Surat Bisnis [An Assortment of Secretarial and Business Letters]. Jakarta: Usaha Mulia.

Indradi, Agustinus. Korespondensi Bahasa Indonesia [Indonesian Correspondence]. Malang: Unika Widya Karya.

Sudaryono. Surat-menyurat dalam Bahasa Indonesia [Letter Writing in Bahasa Indonesia]. Bandung: Alumni.


English Business Correspondence I

This course aims to teach students to master letter writing for various business situations using good and correct English.

Sandler, Corey and Keefe, Janice. 500 Contoh Surat Untuk Hal-Hal Yang Sulit Disampaikan Dalam Bahasa Inggris [500 Letters for Difficult Situations]. 2011. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.


English Business Correspondence II

This course is a continuation of the previous course and is designed to help students master business letter writing in good and correct English.


Indonesian Stenography

This course aims to help students to practice their knowledge and skills in the field of stenography in order to be able to do quick and accurate writing required from any secretary.

Karundeng, F. Stenografi Indonesia Jilid 1 & 2 [Indonesian Stenography, Vol. 1 & 2]. Jakarta: Pradnya Paramita.

Turangan. Stenografi Indonesia Masa Kini [Contemporary Indonesian Stenography]. 1980. Jakarta: Mutiara.

Secretarial Basics

This course aims to help students to grasp the basic knowledge and attitude required by the secretary profession to perform secretarial tasks well.

Akademi Sekretari dan Manajemen (Asekma) Don Bosco. Handbook of Modern Secretary. 2010. Jakarta: Penerbit PPM.

Saad, Nursaid. Kesalahan-kesalahan Umum bagi Sekretaris dan Bagaimana Cara Menghindarinya [Common Secretarial Mistakes and How to Avoid Them]. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.

Secretan, Janice H. Bagaimana Menjadi Sekretaris yang Efektif [Becoming an Effective Secretary]. 1994. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Sutarto. Sekretaris dan Tata Warkat [Secretaries and Document Handling]. 1995. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.


Secretarial Practices

This course aims to help students understand secretarial tasks and master and practice those tasks.

Kadarmo, Siwi. Sekretaris dan Tugasnya [Secretaries and Their Tasks]. 1994. Jakarta: Nina Dinamika.

The Liang Gie. Pengertian, Kedudukan, dan Perincian Ilmu Administrasi [Definition, Function and Specification of Administration Studies]. 1992. Yogyakarta: Super Sukses.

Filing Management

This course aims to help students to know and grasp filing as a system consisting of the elements of: input, process, output and objective. Thus filing system is a unity of some elements required for document handling or filing to achieve the objective of filing, i.e. to ensure the safety and availability of files.

Abubakar, Hadi. Pola Kearsipan Modern, Sistem Kartu Kendali [The Patterns of Modern Filing, Control Card System]. Bandung: Jambatan.

Martono, E. Record Manajemen dan Filing dalam Praktik Perkantoran Modern [Record Management and Filing in Modern Office Practices]. Jakarta: Karya Utama.

Woworuntu, Tony. Pedoman Kerja Perkantoran dan Kesekretarisan [Office and Secretarial Work Guidelines]. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Wursanto, Ig. Kearsipan [Filing]. 1994. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.


Office Management

This course aims to help students to understand well the theoretical and practical knowledge about the series of activities of planning, organizing, directing and supervising office work to support the achievement of institutional/workplace goals.

The Liang Gie. Administrasi Perkantoran Modern [Modern Office Administration]. 1992. Yogyakarta: Liberty.

Sedarmanyanti. Dasar-dasar Pengetahuan tentang Manajemen Perkantoran [The Basics of Office Management]. 2001. Bandung: Mandar Maju.

Mills, Goffrey, Oliver Standingford, Robert C. Appleby. Manajemen Perkantoran Modern [Modern Office Management]. Alih bahasa: Drs. F. X. Budiyanto. Edisi VII. 1991. Jakarta: Bina Aksara.

Moekijat. Administrasi Perkantoran [Office Administration]. 1997. Bandung: Mandar Maju.

——-. Tata Laksana Kantor [Office Governance]. 1986. Bandung: Alumni.


MS Word

This course aims to help students master the knowledge and skills in using MS Word.

Pramono Djoko. Belajar Sendiri Microsoft Word 2000 [Learn Micorsoft Word 2000 by Yourself]. 2000. Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.


MS Excel

This course helps students to master the skills and abilities to process or create financial statements, payroll, inventory reports and other paperwork relating to figures.


Report Writing Methodology

This course helps students to master knowledge about the basic concepts of research and to be capable of applying the knowledge in scientific writing, whether in the form of essays, theses or research papers, via the good and correct procedures of preparing scientific papers.

Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik [Research Procedures: A Practical Approach]. 1992. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.

Warsito, Hermawan. Pengantar Metodologi Penelitian: Buku Panduan Mahasiswa [Introduction to Research Methodology: A Student Handbook]. 1992. Jakarta: APTIK dan Gramedia.

Nazir, Moh. Metode Penelitian [Research Methodology]. 1988. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia

Tim Dosen IKIP [IKIP Lecturers Team] Malang. Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah [Guidelines to Writing Scientific Papers]. 1993. Malang: IKIP Malang.

Widyamartaya, Al dan Sudiati, Veronica. Dasar-dasar Menulis Karya Ilmiah [The Fundamentals of Writing Scientific Papers]. 2000. Jakarta: Grasindo.


Mata kuliah keahlian berkarya = Work Skills Courses (WSC)



Structure I aims to help Secretarial Studies students to gain competence in English in order to be applied in their future secretarial duties to understand, express, and write communicative English which in turn would benefit them as future secretaries.



This course aims to help students to be able to read books or articles in English in order to broaden their horizons and to gain knowledge which can be applied to their secretarial duties.


Introduction to Management

Introduction to Management is the foundation of the studies of other functional areas of management, such as operations/production management, marketing, finance, and human resources management. This course aims to provide useful and relevant information to help students the fundamental concepts and theories on management as a system undergoing processes in an organization. Through this course students are expected to understand: the fundamentals of management and organization, history of the development of management, the main functions of management which include the functions of planning, organizing, mobilizing and monitoring/controlling, the levels of management and required skills, the main roles of management, and cultural influences on management styles.

Manulang, M. Dasar-dasar Manajemen [The Fundamentals of Management]. 1995. Penerbit Ghalia Indonesia.

Marbun, BN (penyunting [Editor]). Manajemen Jepang [Management in Japan]. 1983. Jakarta: PT Pustaka Binaman Pressindo.

Ouchi William. Teori Z, Bagaimana Amerika Menghadapi Jepang Dalam Dunia Bisnis [Theory Z: How American Business Can Meet the Japanese Challenge]. 1985. Jakarta: Aksara Persada.


Basics of Accounting

Basics of Accounting is the fundamental function and absolute requirement in company activities. This course aims to help students to grasp the methods of accounting recording and the preparation of financial statements in service and trading businesses, the concepts, principles, procedures and techniques of accounting recording for items in financial statements, and special problems in the field of accounting in companies in the form of partnerships, limited, or cooperatives.

Al. Haryono Jusup, Dasar-Dasar Akuntansi [The Basics of Accounting], STIE, Yogyakarta, Edisi terbaru [Newest Edition].

Soemarso S.R., Akuntansi Suatu manajemen Produksi dan Operasi Pengantaar I [Introduction to Accounting, Operations and Production Management], Rineka cipta, Jakarta, Edisi terbaru.

Suwardjono, Akuntansi Pengantar [Introduction to Accounting], Edisi Ke Tiga,BPFE, Yogyakarta, 2002.



Listening is a general course for students of the Diploma Program of Office Management. Through the course, students train to listen to sounds and short dialogs in English. They also train to articulate English sounds and sentences according to the samples they have listened to.


Business English I

This course aims to help students to be able to communicate in various business situations using good and correct English.


Business English II

This course is a continuation of the previous course and aims to help students to be able to communicate in various business situations, using good and correct English.


Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management is a part of general management which focuses on the human resource element within an organization or a firm. As part of general management, this course provides students with basic understanding that a personnel manager is the person who is given the role to exercise his or her authority and leadership over other personnel, so he or she must perform various basic managerial functions in addition to operational functions. These managerial functions include planning, organizing, directing and workforce supervising, whereas the functional include workforce procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance.

Handoko, H. Manajemen Personalia dan Sumberdaya Manusia [Personnel Management and Human Resources]. Yogyakarta: BPPFE-UGM.



This course helps students to grasp the various types, natures and styles of leadership and to able to apply them in organizational life, according to Indonesia’s intrinsic values.

Adair, John. Menjadi Pemimpin Efektif [Effective Leadership]. 1994. Jakarta: Pustaka Binaman Pressindo.

Robbins, Stephen P. Perilaku Organisasi: Konsep, Kontroversi, Aplikasi [Organizational Behavior]. 1996. Jakarta: Prenhallindo.

Rustandi, S.H., Achmad R. Gaya Kepemimpinan (Pendekatan Bakat Situasional) [Leadership Styles (Situational Leadership Approach)]. Bandung: Penerbit Armico.

Siagian, Prof. Dr., Sondang P. Filsafat Administrasi [Administration Philosophy]. 1994. Jakarta: CV Haji Masagung.

Stoner, James A. F. & Charles Wankel. Manajemen (terjemahan) [Management (translation)]. 1996. Jakarta: CV Intermedia.



This course helps students to understand and be capable of implement the correct taxation provisions and procedures.

Soemitro, Rochmat. Azas dan Dasar Perpajakan (I dan II) [The Principles and Fundamentals of Taxation (I and II)]. 1990. Bandung: Eresco.

Undang-undang Perpajakan No. 13/1985 [Tax Law No. 13/1985]

Undang-undang Perpajakan No. 9, 10. 11. 12 tahun 1994 [Tax Law No. 9, 10, 11, 12, of 1994]

Dirjen Pajak dan Yayasan Bina Pembangunan [Director General of Taxation and the Foundation of Development Advisor].

Buku Panduan Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan [Property Tax Guidebook]. 1995. Jakarta: PT Bina Rena Pariwara.

———. Buku Panduan Pajak Penghasilan [Income Tax Guidebook]. 1995. Jakarta: PT Bina Rena Pariwara.



This course helps students to grasp the advantages of statistics for organizations/institutions and learn the skills of calculating and providing statistical data.

Supranto, J. Statistik: Teori dan Aplikasi (I dan II) [Statistics: Theories and Applications]. 1991. Jakarta: Erlangga.

Hadi, Sutrisno. Statistik Jilid I – II [Statistics, Vol. I-II]. Yogyakarta: Fak. Psikologi UGM.

Sudjana. Pengantar Metode Statistik, Jilid I & II [Introduction to Statistical Methods]. Jakarta: LP3ES.



This course aims to help students to apply entrepreneurship as an alternative career choice, to grow, develop, and practice the entrepreneurship attitude, behavior and skills in everyday life and in any job.

Tim Dosen FE UGM [Lecturer Team, Faculty of Economics, UGM]. Pengantar Kewiraswastaan [Introduction to Entrepreneurship]. 1999. Yogyakarta: BPFE-UGM.

Marbun, B. N. Manajemen Perusahaan Kecil [Small Companies Management]. 1996. Jakarta: PPM/Pustaka Binaman Presindo.

Meredith, Geoffrey, et al. Kewirausahaan: Teori dan Praktek [The Practice of Entrepreneurship]. 1997. Jakarta: PT Pustaka Binaman Presindo.

Umar, Hussein. Studi Kelayakan Bisnis [Business Feasibility Study]. 1999. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.


Chinese Language

This course helps students to master the basics of good and correct Chinese speaking and writing in order to become secretaries who are fluent in Chinese.

Wijaya, Robi. 300 Huruf Mandarin Yang Paling Sering Digunakan [300 Most Commonly Used Chinese Letters]. 2006. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Zeng Xg. Belajar Bahasa Tionghoa [Learning Chinese]. 2004. Jakarta: Media Edukasi Lestari.


Japanese Language I

This course helps students to master the basics of the correct usage and writing of Japanese language in order to become secretaries who are competent in Japanese.

Chandra, T. Pelajaran Bahasa Jepang (Jilid 1, 2, 3) [Japanese Lessons (Vol. 1, 2, 3)]. 1999. Jakarta: Kursus Bahasa Jepang Evergreen.

GAKKEN. Bahasa Jepang Sehari-hari [Japanese for Today]. 1996. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia (Grasindo).


Japanese Language II

This course is a continuation of the previous course that deals with helping students to master the basics of the correct usage and writing of Japanese language.


Business Conversation

This course aims to help students to be able to communicate verbally in good and fluent English.

Hassan Shadely English-Indonesian dictionary

Longman English-English dictionary

Practical English Conversation handbook

English newspapers and magazines


Manual/Electronic Typing

This course helps students to master typing skills and aptitude using the 10-finger system in order to become secretaries who are skilled in quick, accurate and precise typing.

Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan [Department of Education and Culture]. Pelajaran Mengetik [Typing Lessons]. 1978.



This course helps students to grasp the meaning of verbal and non-verbal communication and the types of communication, and to be skilled to communicate effectively in any situations.

Joseph A. Devito. Komunikasi Antar Manusia (edisi kelima) [The Interpersonal Communication (fifth edition)].  1997. Jakarta: Professional Books.

Hafied Cangara. Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi (edisi I) [Introduction to Communication Science (first edition)]. 1998. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

Prof. Dr. Onong Uchjana Effendy, M.A. Ilmu Komunikasi Teori dan Praktek (cetakan ke-16) [Communication Science: Theory and Practice (16th print)]. 2002. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.

Drs. H. Anwar Arifin. Ilmu Komunikasi (sebuah pengantar ringkas) [Communication Science (A Brief Introduction)], Ed. 1, cet. 3. 1995. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

Drs. Tarsis Tarmudji. Komunikasi Dunia Usaha [Business Communication]. 1992. Yogyakarta: Liberty.

Dr. A. Supratiknya. Komunikasi Antar Pribadi [Interpersonal Communication]. 1995. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Dr. Alo Liliweri, M.S. Komunikasi Verbal dan Nonverbal [Verbal and Non-Verbal Communications]. 1994. Bandung: PT Citra Aditya Bakti.


Public Service Communication

This course helps students to be able to apply public service communication in the fields of civil service and business, by grasping the necessary attitudes in providing wholehearted service, the strategies in providing service, the principles of the quality of service, the basic principles of customer satisfaction, the basic principles of complaint management system, complaint methods and complaint handling procedures, and the principles of conscience-based service (Excellent Spiritual Service).


Business Plan

This course provides students with the knowledge, skills and aptitude on the concepts and scope of business planning, the selection of new business and business development/expansion ideas, business situation analysis, product operations/production planning, product marketing planning, human resources planning, business organization planning, business collaboration planning, financial planning, financial estimation, business risks forecasting.

Rangkuti, Freddy. 2001. Business Plan: Teknik Membuat Perencanaan Bisnis dan Analisis Kasus [Business Plan: Techniques in business planning and case analysis]. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Umar, Husein. 2001. Studi Kelayakan Bisnis: Teknis Menganalisis Kelayakan Rencana Bisnis secara Komprehensif [Business Feasibility Study: Techniques in Analyzing Business Feasibility Comprehensively]. PT. Gramedia  Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.

Dirgantoro, C. 2002. Keunggulan Bersaing Melalui Proses Bisnis [Competitive Advantages through Business Processes]. PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia. Jakarta.


Matakuliah Perilaku Berkarya = Work Behavior Courses (WBC)


Professional Ethics

This course helps students to understand and to live the ethical norms necessary for secretarial professions.

Charris Zubair Achmad. Kuliah Etika [Course on Ethics]. 1987. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.

OP Simorangkir. Etika Jabatan [Office Ethics]. 1988. Jakarta: Aksara Persada Pers.

de Vos. Pengantar Etika [Introduction to Ethics]. 1987. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Franz Magnis Suseno. Etika Dasar [Fundamental Ethics]. Jakarta: Gramedia.

Algernon D. Black. Etika [Ethics]. 1990. Jakarta: Yayasan CLC.


Personality Development

This course aims to help students understand the process of maturation and personality development through understanding the meaning, vision, and purpose of life; experience growth of and manage the appropriate motivations and value system; have increasingly better abilities in self-recognition, self-acceptance, and emotional intelligence; all of which will in turn be directed to the formation of self-integrity and positive self-image.

Budirahardjo, P. (Ed.). Mengenal Teori Kepribadian Mutakhir [Comprehending Current Personality Theories]. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Pease, Allan. Bahasa Tubuh [Body Language]. 1996. Jakarta: Arcan.

Schulcz, Duane. Psikologi Pertumbuhan – Model-model Kepribadian yang Sehat [Growth Psychology: Models of the Healthy Personality]. 1991. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Valet, Robert E. Aku Mengembangkan Diriku [Self-Actualization]. 1991. Jakarta: CLC.


Mata kuliah berkehidupan bermasyarakat = Social Life Courses (SLC)


Public Relations

This course helps students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge on how to build and develop good relations between various institutions and the society in order to achieve the institutions’ goals.

Djanaid, Djanalis, Drs. Hubungan Masyarakat dalam Teori dan Praktek [Public Relations in Theory and Practice]. 1996. Malang: Lembaga Penerbitan Unibraw.

Rachmadi, F. Public Relations dalam Teori dan Praktek [Public Relations in Theory and Practice]. 1999. Jakarta: PT Gramedia.

Rumanti, Maria Assumpta, Sr. Dasar-dasar Public Relations, Teori dan Praktek [The Fundamentals of Public Relations: Theory and Practice]. 2002. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia.

Ali, Novel, Drs. Hubungan Masyarakat [Public Relations]. 1996. Depdikbud – Univ. Terbuka.

Effendi, Onong Uchyana, Drs., M.A. Human Relations dalam Management [Human Relations in Management]. 1980. Bandung: Alumni.

Susanto, Astrid S., Dr. Phil. Komunikasi Dalam Teori dan Praktek [Communications in Theory and Practice]. 1974. Bandung: Binacipta.