To establish a researcher community that is pluralist, resilient and reliable that constantly develops and implements science, technology, art and culture (STAC) based on Christian faith.
To improve the human resource in research and community service activities as well as the professional work ethics in maintaining the continuity of the quality of research and community service works.
To improve the productivity of research and community service works which are relevant, innovative, and possess contributing values to the interests of the institution and the society.
To increase the dissemination of research and community service results through various channels, on national and international scale.
To open itself to the opportunities of cooperating with various research institutions, industries, companies, and with the government.
To develop a responsive attitude to various problems and challenges in the society by helping to find the solutions.
Organizational Structure for the period 2016-2020
Executive Director | : | Dr.Agustinus Indradi.,S.Pd.,M.Pd |
Secretary | : | OlyviaResyanaCitra. S.E |
Head of Research Center | : | Ir.AnnaChatarina SPS.,M.Si |
Head of Community Service Center | : | Ir.Sri Susilowati., MP |