To become a pluralist, enduring, and trustworthy academic community in order to produce professional diploma graduates in the secretarial field, with good integrity and capability to adjust with the dynamics of the developments in the secretarial profession and the needs of the user society.
- To teach competence-based secretarial skills and knowledge to form intelligent, committed, professional, and responsible workforce guided by Christian values.
- To develop and disseminate secretarial skills and knowledge in accordance with the developments in the implementation of information technology in the field of office management/administration, in ways that are more innovative and creative.
- To professionally manage the department of office management/administration in order to form diploma graduates that possess competitive edge, good work ethics, independence, and competency in secretarial knowledge and skills.
- To produce diploma graduates with good morality and personality, and good integrity regarding their profession and workplaces.
- To prepare students to become certified workforce with good quality and competitive edge.
- To provide students with additional skills in order to become mentally-capable and independent at workplace and as entrepreneurs.