Vision, Mission of the Bachelor Program of Agricultural Technology


Becoming a quality academic community in the field of Agricultural Technology through the implementation of science, technology, art and culture (STAC) in works inspired by Catholic values and Pancasila.


  1. To conduct quality higher education and bachelor teaching programs characterized by humanism, dialogism, creativity, innovation, productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, and interdisciplinarity in the field of Agricultural Technology
  2. To conduct research activities by integrating a variety of sciences, dialogues between faith and reason, adhering to ethics, and being open to developments in STAC in the field of Agricultural Technology
  3. To conduct community service to help create general welfare (bonum commune) in the field of Agricultural Technology


The objectives of education in Agricultural Technology are to mold students and graduates into whole persons and acknowledged members of society with the following traits:

Mastering the concepts, theories, methods, and/or the philosophy of Agricultural Technology

Democratic and tolerant

Highly intelligent and virtuous in character

Knowledgeable, creative, and responsible

Capable to find, develop and apply the science, technology and professional skills of Agricultural Technology which are beneficial for mankind in keeping with Christian faith