Why choose the Department of Civil Engineering? This question is perhaps the first question arises in the minds of prospective students. The main rationale is possibly the rapid growth of construction works in Indonesia. The growing population in Indonesia means the increasing needs for facilities such as housing, roads, shopping centers, and water-supplying dams. Construction works will particularly involve civil engineers as planners and operatives, and the Department of Civil Engineering at Widya Karya Catholic University aims to train qualified and dedicated engineers to tackle this challenge.

The Department of Civil Engineering at Widya Karya Catholic University offers various benefits, including facilities to aid civil engineering studies and competent and experienced instructors. At the Department of Civil Engineering, students will be trained and guided to master skills in the field of design and implementation of infrastructure, managerial and entrepreneurial skills, and research skills in the field of local knowledge and environment protection. 75% of the Civil Engineering graduates work in the intended field; no alumni of Civil Engineering Department has failed in getting a job.

Civil Engineering graduates have the prospects to take the following jobs:

Planning consultant/contractor, operative and supervisor in the field of civil engineering

Building appraisal

Construction materials supplier

Another advantage of studying at UKWK is the strategic location of its campus, in the middle of Malang municipality. Malang is one of the cities renowned as the homes of well-reputed educational institutions and tourist attractions. Affordable costs of living and still fresh air also make Malang a great choice to study.

Therefore, you should not hesitate to choose UKWK Civil Engineering Department as the first step of your dream career. The tight-knit community of UKWK will surely aid you your studies and further enhance your motivations to become a good and reliable Civil Engineer.