The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 1984 in accordance with the decree of the coordinator of the Private Higher Education Cooperative, 7th Region, number 731/Q/1984, dated November 20, 1984, which was ratified afterwards by the Ministry of National Education with the decree of the Ministry of National Education number 070/O/1985, dated February 18, 1985. The Department of Mechanical Engineering was officially recognized on August 8, 1990, with the issuance of Ministry of National Education’s decree number 0497/O/1990. The department’s operating permit was granted in 1994 through the decree of the National Higher Education Research and Technology Agency number 0371/DIKTI/Kep/1993. The operation permit was extended in 2003 through DIKTI Decree number 2731/D/T/2003 on the Extension of University Department Permit for Widya Karya Catholic University.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers three areas of research interest:
Materials Engineering
Production Process