Vision, Mission and Objectives of Accounting S1 Program Of Accounting


Becoming a quality study program by applying science, technology, art and culture (STAC) in works inspired by Catholic values and Pancasila.


  1. To conduct learning and teaching process in the field of accounting science characterized by humanism, dialogism, creativity, innovation, productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, and interdisciplinarity.
  2. To conduct research activities in the field of accounting science by integrating a variety of sciences, dialog between faith and reason, adhering to ethics, and being open to developments in science, technology, art and culture (STAC).
  3. To conduct community service in the field of accounting to help creating general welfare (bonum commune).


  1. To improve the quality of the learning and teaching process and competence in the field of accounting
  2. To produce accounting graduates that are professional, have high integrity, and responsive to developments in science, technology, art and culture (STAC)
  3. To produce scientific works and researches in the field of accounting that support developments in education, and conduct community service activities that support improvements and empowerment of the society
  4. To develop professional accounting human resources that are in keeping with the needs of the society
  5. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of institutional management to gain good and transparent governance of the facilities and infrastructure of the Accounting Program
  6. To expand cooperation networks to improve the knowledge and skills of civita academica in accordance with the field of accounting